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The Green Flame

May 28, 2021

This episode of the Green Flame features Jore's music as well as an interview with this remarkable activist, artist, writer, musician, independent film-maker and freelance journalist. His work focuses on the interface between the dominant culture and the real impact on people, society and the environment and can be...

May 19, 2021

The protection camp at Thacker Pass, Peehee mu'huh, has been in place for more than four months. This episode is an update starting with a new recording from May 18th, as well as audio from recent video updates recorded on-site by Max Wilbert over the past month or so. Poem "Newspeak" by Trinity La...

May 8, 2021

On the second episode of Radicalizing Permaculture, Beth Quist, multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, composer, environmental activist and writer joins Jennifer Murnan and Boris Forkel in conversation.

Her performance of Me Phirava Daje Mori (Bombastic Version), a traditional Macedonian Rom accompanies this episode.  You...