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The Green Flame

Dec 31, 2020

Welcome to the final Green Flame episode of 2020.  In this episode, a discussion with Trinity La Fey is woven into a chorus of other poets. We revisit the words of Dominique Christina which were a part of our December 2019 Radical Feminism episode, celebrate Shahidah Janjua with Aimee, and share poems from Max,...

Dec 26, 2020

On this 50th Episode of the Green Flame, Max and Jennifer share a retrospective of the 20-month Green Flame adventure leading into a lightly edited recording of DGR's recent live streaming event, "Drawing the Line: Stopping the Murder of the Planet." The event features Lierre Keith, Derrick Jensen, Chris Hedges and the...

Dec 11, 2020

In this episode we interview Sue and Esteban from the Shale Must Fall Campaign. The campaign works to increase the global visibility of frontline struggles against fracking and other extraction, and educate about the dangers of shale gas and the fracking industry. December 11, 2020 is the Day of Action for the Shale...

Dec 1, 2020

For this episode of The Green Flame, Jennifer Murnan and Max Wilbert discuss extreme weather around the world. As the Arctic is experiencing catastrophic low ice formation, wildfires have swept western Turtle Island this summer and fall, and storms have pounded southeast Asia and the Caribbean. We include excerpts from...